Welcome to the Story of Spike and his day in Iraq. Here is Spike’s house in Iraq. It is small and made of metal with two windows and a door.
This is the inside of Spike’s room in Iraq. See how his bed is made nice and neat. Spike likes a clean room to live in.
In the morning, after he wakes up, Spike likes to go running with his friend Tracker. Tracker is another dog that Spike works with in Iraq
After Spike runs with Tracker, he goes to work on the computer. Some days, he is on it from morning until night.
After work is over for the day, sometimes Tracker comes over to play games with Spike. They both like to play chess. Sometimes Spike even lets Tracker win!
Some nights, Spike and Tracker play Poker like their friends Marti Drake and her Mommy, Grandma Heck. Spike is going to win this hand.
After the games are over, Spike knows the best thing is for him to get a good night’s sleep so he can work the next day. Soon he’ll be home in New York with his friend Tracker. Until then, it is best to say Good Night for now and may you also have pleasant dreams.