Sep 22, 2007

Family Country Line Dancing...

We had the best time last night!! Every Friday night at a place called The Winner's Circle on post they do Country Line Dancing. And they want you to bring the whole family. It was so great. Not only do they do the dancing but they give you the dance lessons for the dances before each of the songs. Of course there were a lot of songs we already knew. They did the Hokey Pokey, and the Limbo, and the Macarena and the Chicken Dance, Electric Slide, all the standards. Then they showed us some new dances. It was just a great night to get out and have a good time with the kids. And it gave us a chance to get out and do something new for a change. Five different families went in together. Between the 5 of us we had 14 kids, those poor pepole didn't know what was coming when we came through the doors I can tell you that much. I'm so glad that we all decided to go out and do it. We are totally going to be doing it again sometime too.


Jolene said...

Kickin' up your heels, I see. Family fun...whohoo!!

Major Mom said...

oh man, i should have went! we had an incident brief last night, so I didn't even make it to the coffee.

Leslie said...

How fun!! Glad it was a great night w/the boys (and friends).

Nicole said...

Woohoo! The Drake's are cuttin' up the rug!!

{patty} said...

Now that looks like fun!!!! You had three very handsome dance partners I must say!