Oct 13, 2007

It continues....

We are having a rough few weeks here let me tell you. It seems like we've taken care of some of the conflict that was gripping us emotionally and doing great. So what does Satan have left to do since he can't get to us mentally. Let's attack them physically. And boy has he. More people on the board are sick than not, and if they aren't sick then their kids are sick. All three of my boys have come down with whatever is going around, it's DJ's turn now. I've had an upset stomach the last few days, and it's isn't getting better. My good friend Rachel is in the hospital with pneumonia, although she is doing much better now, she really went through the ringer. It just seems to be one thing after another with us. I'm hoping tomorrow I have something more uplifting and positive to post. Just keep praying for us all, especially for our health!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Bee said...

Hello Sweetie,
I am really sorry to hear that everyone has been battling this bug. Nothing against any of you, but I hope New York keeps it up there. On the other hand, you guys better get over it before your Dad gets there. I am not sure how he would handle sick little ones.
Marti, I really admire what all you are doing. Not only are you dealing with your husband being over seas, but you have 3 small boys to raise, you are also trying to run the homefront as near normal as it can be, staying very active with your church and doing your blog. You said in one of your messages that you always thought you were strong but now you aren't so sure. All you have to do is look around at what you are doing and that should tell you that you are alot stronger than you think you are. I believe that you are putting some of this burden on the Good Lord's shoulders which allows you to be able to help others thru exactly the same thing you are going thru. That makes me think of:
The Footprints of God
In deepest sleep one night I dreamed,
That on the beach I walked,
Gad was by my side each step
And quietly we talked.
Then on the sky my life was flashed;
The visions all serene,
Two sets of footprints in the sand,
Were there in every scene,
But then I noticed in some scenes
Of suffering, pain and strife...
Just a single set of footprints
At the worst times of my life.
God...you said you'd stay by me
In good times and in bad....
Why then did you leave me ----
Each time my life was sad?
"My precious child," God answered
"When your life had pain, I knew,
The single set of footprints
Were the times I carried you."

Even though at times you are can't help yourself and you wonder why me Lord. Just remember there is a purpose in everything he has you do. I would say he is making you even stronger than you ever thought you could be. And remember the Good Lord will only give you as much as you can handle.
Also, I hope that you and DJ have done alot of talking so that he doesn't feel that he has done something wrong to cause all this. You were talking about how quickly you can loose your temper now days. You need to make sure that at least DJ understand that you really aren't mad him. The other two boys will take their lead from DJ, so if you can get him to have a pretty good idea what you are feeling then he can smooth it over with the other two. But on the other hand, boys will be boys no matter what. Just hug them alot and make sure they know how much you love them.
We will continue to remember all of you in our prayers. We also include those who can't be with us right now for a safe journey and to come home safely.
Hugs and kisses to everyone.

Aunt Bea