Jun 29, 2008

After a loooong drive....

I finally made it down to Patty and Chuck's new house down in Virginia. Was worried I'd never make it. We got a really late start on Friday and then on the way out of town a friend noticed a nail in my tire. Great!!! So after stopping by Goodyear on the way out of town to have that taken care of, we finally got on the road at almost 7 that night. I had every intention of driving as far as possible to make the rest of the drive on Saturday a little more bearable. I drove until around 11:30 and stopped at a not so nice Lodge, but was cheap and took pets... I called Patty and gave her the 411 on our location in case the boys and I were never heard from again. :) After getting a good nights sleep we got back up and headed out around 6:30. Uneventful drive yesterday thank goodness. It was beautiful out.

Got to Patty's around 4 and was pretty beat from being in the car for so long. Got the 15 cent tour of her house. It's gorgeous, and I love all of her color choices. We hung out for a bit and then took the kids swimming at her old apt complex, they had so much fun. Patty and I were talking about how awesome it is that we haven't seen each other for exactly a year and the kids just pick up like they saw each other last week. We always hope these kiddos have this connection with one another. We've decided it helps since thier Moms do too.

We are hoping to take the kids to a water park today, they are going to be so excited. Will try and get some pics to post on here before I take off. We are all so excited to be here finally.

I love that no matter how far away we move that I know we will always have lifelong friend with the Bartlett's.

Will post more on our adventures later!!!


{patty} said...

We just love you all sooo much (even Blue)!! You are more than good friends, you are family! I love hearing the boys call Aunt Pat Pat and Uncle Chuck. I am already sad that you are leaving Wed but happy that I will see you a few weeks for just 'us' time.

armywife said...

So glad you made it safely!!! Have fun and see you soon!!

Michele said...

Marti ! where in VA are you ?!?! We're in Norfolk now...?!?!?
Michele Simkins

Mommyluann said...

I'm glad you had a good time with Patty! It's special to spend time with good friends. I have alot of friends who live away too...nice when you can hook up!

Julie Ann Rachelle Interior Design said...

Thinking of you!

Krystin said...

Oh, how great to be able to go down to Virginia. I sure hope you had a great time..but I am sure you did.
I cannot wait to see pics.