Sep 28, 2008 favorite season!!!

Top 10 Reasons I Love Fall!!!

10) The crisp air.
9) Jeans and sweatshirts all the time
8) Changing of the Leaves
7) Playing in said Leaves
6) The start of the holiday season
5) Halloween
4) Carving pumpkins with the boys
3) The start of Christmas shopping
2) Anything pumpkin

And the number 1 reason I love fall...

Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks!!! YUM!!!

Sep 18, 2008

Our Broken Hearts....

Our hearts are breaking this week at our house. For the last 8 years we have had the best little friend with us,our dog Blue. This past Tuesday we had to say goodbye to her. She was such a good dog and we loved her so much. She started getting sick this past Sunday and wasn't any better by Monday so I took her into the vet to get her checked out. After blood and urine checks Blue was diagnosed with diabetes and her pancreas was not functioning properly. After much discussion with the doctor we chose to have her put down as opposed to being in any pain or discomfort for the rest of her life. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Two of my friends went with me on Tuesday when they actually did it. She was so sweet and and kept giving me kisses and rubbing her head on me until she fell asleep in my arms. It was so sweet and so sad at the same time. We are going to miss her so much!!! We love you Blue!!!

Sep 12, 2008


I sat down this morning thinking I have time to write something on my blog. Got up early today and the boys are all up and moving. They are almost ready for school, just finishing up breakfast now. Which leaves 45 minutes until we have to leave for school. I now have time to sit and write something clever or amusing and what do I have? Nothing, nada, squat!!! I got nothing to say today I guess. I know hard to beleive huh?

I guess have a great day!!!

Sep 11, 2008

7 Year Anniversary

It's hard to believe that it has been 7 years since the tragedy of September 11, 2001 took place. We will never forget or never stop praying for the loved ones of the victims on that tragic day!!!

Here is what I wrote a year ago with the same feelings as I have now. And with a husband who is still deployed fighting this fight.

Every generation has that EVENT in thier lives that is always associated with that generation. That question of where were you when...... For my grandparents it was where were you when Pearl Harbor was attacked? For my parents it was where were you when JFK was shot? For my generation, it will be where were you when the first plane hit and the second....

A day that will forever live in our memories. Yesterday marked the 6th anniversary of that horrific day. The day that terrorists attacked our country on our soil. Even though I didn't know anyone that perished that day, it is a day that changed my future forever.

I was working at The Mulberry Bush with my friend Patty when we heard the news. I was sitting there rocking a baby, when Patty came in and told me what had happened. I believe by the time we'd found out, the second plane had just hit the World Trade Center. We sat there in disbelief listening to our radio for any word on how they were doing. Patty and I sat there and prayed immediately for all those that had died and all the children that were now without a mom or dad. The day just progressively got worse, with word that the Pentagon had been attacked and then another plane that crashed in a PA field somewhere. I remember being confused and not completely understanding what was happening. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that we were under attack.

I called Bruce at Ft Campbell and asked how he was and what was going on there. He just said everything was nuts, and they were bucklin down Campbell as is if it were it's next target. It was so scary and all I wanted was to see him and hug him. There were huge lines to get on post that day, people were waiting up to 4 or 5 hours to get on post, so I didn't know what I was going to do. Adam was only 3 months old at the time and I knew we couldn't stay in those lines that long. So we ended up spending the night with Patty and Chuck.

I remember just crying for days after it happened, and still to this day it brings tears to my eyes thinking about all the life that was lost. It was so senseless and stupid. Watching the people on TV looking for thier loved ones with pictures posted on the wall to find them. It was just too much to watch, but I couldnt' tear myself away either.

It changed life on post for us for quite awhile as well. We had to stop and get our cars checked for day, and we had to start showing ID which, we'd never had to do. OUr sticker on our care was good enough. Then there were the humvees on every corner with armed soldiers all around them. That was not easy to explain to my then 4 yr old son DJ why they were there. We had to pass them everyday on the way to school. It was just very eery all over post.

I can't believe that it has already been 6 years since that day happened, when you see the images on TV it takes you right back to it all, like it was yesterday. They held a Memorial Service yesterday on post and they had some amazing shots from that day that I wanted to share with you.

No matter your political view or which side of the house you are on, I believe these images are the reason Bruce is where he is. So please continue to pray for him and all the other thousands of troops that are deployed right now. May God Bless you all!!!

Sep 10, 2008

Busy Time of Year...

It's that time again. With school starting up and all of the boys' different activities getting back into full swing again. We have most our week nights full of sports, piano lessons and scouting. With soon to come gymnastics and hopefully art classes. I promised DJ he could sign up for soccer since football fell through this year, those practices start next weeek, with games on the following 6 or 8 Saturdays I think. When I signed him up, Jack wanted to play too so now we have 2 games on Saturday and 2 practices, of course different nights. DJ is scouting on Monday, Jack's is on Tuesdays, which I'm the leader of this year. Go Tiger Cubs!!! Can you see me as a Cub Scout leader? Should be loads of fun I tell you!!! Then on Wed DJ and Jack both have piano lessons. Adam will hopefully be starting gymnastics soon, I have to talk to the teacher about a good time, she only had one time slot on Sat. in the middle of the day, and that just didn't work for us. Also, I was excited to find out she is also going to offer art classes. Which will be awesome, Adam's been wanting them forever. We just haven't been able to find anyplace that offered them. So I'm hoping that works out for him and then I am done!!! that will surely fill my entire week with activities. That does't even include my two bible studies I'm doing during the day while the boys are at school!!! Yes it's getting to a busy time again.
Which will make time fly and Bruce will be home before we know it!!!

Have a great day my blog reading friends~~~

Sep 9, 2008

Pics as Promised

So I finally downloaded pics and without further ado, here are the boys on their first day of school!!!

Sep 4, 2008

New School Year

So all three boys started school yesterday. Woohoo!!! We made it through the summer with no major issues. :) None of them were very excited to go to school, but they didn't have a choice. Mommy had a breakfast date with friends to celebrate the first day back, no chance of me missing that for sure!!! :) I still need to download the photos of them then will post them on here. Having pc issues with my new printer and downloading. Go figure!!! :) Anywhoo, DJ is riding the bus again and still in the same school as last year along with the same teacher. She looped over to the next year, which was great because DJ really likes her and so do I. Adam and Jack are walkers still, which translates into me driving them because if we actually walked we'd have to leave an hour and a half before school started since I have the slowest kids in the world. Adam seems to like his new teacher, she's an older teacher but seems very nice and appreciated Adam using his manners all day long. So doesn't seem to be any problems there, though he never has teacher issues, he's a great kid. Jack got Adam's 1st grade teacher from last year that we adored. She is young and just had her first baby in April and we didn't think she was coming back, so that was a pleasant surprise and she is really nice. Jack is already smitten with her. I wonder what they are expecting when the get a younger sibling of a previous student. Because let's face it, Adam and Jack are completly different. They are both good, and are no trouble at school. But Adam is much more subdued and quiet than Jack, so it's always fun to see what they think of it. :)

After dropping them off it was my turn for fun. I met a friend at Cracker Barrell for breakfast and while I was waiting ran into a friend from PWOC who was dancing in the store celebrating school starting too. So we all decided to sit together to celebrate, it was so much fun!!!

Part of me was sad to leave them, but the other part was like woohoo!!! I feel like the fact that they go in there without any issues and are well behaved and they thrive in school is some reflection on how Bruce and I are raising them. So proudly and a little selfabsorbed maybe I'm giving myself and Bruce little pats on the back for raising such great boys!!! They all have thier moments, what kids don't, but for the most part they are great kids and I love them and I'm so proud of them!!!

I'm Excited...

I'm getting super excited about this election. I'm loving McCain's VP pic. I wasn't real sure at first since I had never even heard of Sarah Palin. But the more I hear about her and what she's done in Alaska the more I'm impressed with her. She seems to be a great mom and just a great person in general. I'd love to sit down and just have a chat with her, she seems like she is really down to earth and cares what she can do for this country along with John McCain. It's going to be an interesting few months for sure!!!!

Let's Get Real

OK, why is it people can't just say what they mean? Grow a pair and move on. Why can't people just be honest with other people? Life would be so much simpler. Why does everyone have to like everyone else? Newsflash they don't. And those people who don't like everyone aren't bad people just because they don't like you or care to be around you. Try looking in the mirror sometime and seeing what the problem is, because it's looking you right in the face.

Newsflash, I'm having a bad month. So the fact that I'm venting on my blog and writing what I feel doesn't make me a bad person. Like I said in a previous post I'm not always Miss Sunshine and never have a bad day.

Today was one of those rough days. Bruce left one year ago today. Part of me can't believe it's been a year and part of me is like it seems like longer. I look back on the past year and at the ups and downs there were and say hey, I survived it. We (my boys and I) we survived it. Even though we still have a few months left we are on the downslide. There is an end in sight and for that I am thankful.

DJ brought home a paper today that he had to fill out part of and I had to fill out part of. It asked what his Hopes and Dreams are for this year. He wrote that he hoped his Dad didn't get extended in Iraq and that he had a good school year. A lot of the time I think of how deployments effect me or more so my little guys because they are the ones that get emotional and really talk about it. DJ not so much. Occasionally one of his brothers gets him going when they are upset, but for the most part he's pretty strong. And in my mind that is a good thing, he's being strong and courageous. Then I see this statement and I remember he's just a little boy, though he'd disagree at 11 that he's a little boy. But really what other kid, minus all the kids around here of course, have to worry about wether thier Dad is going to be able to come home from Iraq after 15 months or if the President is going to say they need him longer? This is in no way a bash on the Pres, because I'm not even going there. :) DJ should be enjoying the fact that he is starting 6th grade and excited about what this year holds in store for him. But he is worried about wether his Dad will be home when he is supposed to. I just love this kid and his tender heart. I hope he never loses it.