OK, why is it people can't just say what they mean? Grow a pair and move on. Why can't people just be honest with other people? Life would be so much simpler. Why does everyone have to like everyone else? Newsflash they don't. And those people who don't like everyone aren't bad people just because they don't like you or care to be around you. Try looking in the mirror sometime and seeing what the problem is, because it's looking you right in the face.
Newsflash, I'm having a bad month. So the fact that I'm venting on my blog and writing what I feel doesn't make me a bad person. Like I said in a previous post I'm not always Miss Sunshine and never have a bad day.
Today was one of those rough days. Bruce left one year ago today. Part of me can't believe it's been a year and part of me is like it seems like longer. I look back on the past year and at the ups and downs there were and say hey, I survived it. We (my boys and I) we survived it. Even though we still have a few months left we are on the downslide. There is an end in sight and for that I am thankful.
DJ brought home a paper today that he had to fill out part of and I had to fill out part of. It asked what his Hopes and Dreams are for this year. He wrote that he hoped his Dad didn't get extended in Iraq and that he had a good school year. A lot of the time I think of how deployments effect me or more so my little guys because they are the ones that get emotional and really talk about it. DJ not so much. Occasionally one of his brothers gets him going when they are upset, but for the most part he's pretty strong. And in my mind that is a good thing, he's being strong and courageous. Then I see this statement and I remember he's just a little boy, though he'd disagree at 11 that he's a little boy. But really what other kid, minus all the kids around here of course, have to worry about wether thier Dad is going to be able to come home from Iraq after 15 months or if the President is going to say they need him longer? This is in no way a bash on the Pres, because I'm not even going there. :) DJ should be enjoying the fact that he is starting 6th grade and excited about what this year holds in store for him. But he is worried about wether his Dad will be home when he is supposed to. I just love this kid and his tender heart. I hope he never loses it.
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