Nov 8, 2008

Gotta love the Army.......NOT

So Bruce informed me last night that there has been a change in plans. I guess I don't know why I'm so suprised, that should be the Army's motto. Instead of Army Strong, it should be "Surprise Changes Around Every Corner"

Apparantly they are switching some things around, whatever that means, so Bruce won't be home this weekend now. He has been delayed a few days. I know it's not that many, but we were so excited and of course we've told everyone. All the boys' teachers yesterday at their conferences said "you must be so excited, (insert son's name here) only talks about his Daddy coming home this weekend." so now of course they will have to go in Monday morning and answer all the questions now.

We've waited for 14 months, I know a few more days isn't going to kill us. But it does suck that is for sure!!!


armywife said...

fricking army. Gah.

Kimmarie Baker said...

Oh Marti - I feel so bad for all of you! Hope they don't change their minds again in a few days. BIG HUGS!

Krystin said...

Oh goodness. I can't blame you for not wanting to wait a few more days after 14 months. I can see why you are so crazy excited.
I am so glad that Bruce has been blessed with safety over there. I am so excited for him to get home.