Feb 21, 2009

I was tagged and just saw it...my bad....

Two Names you go by

1. Marti
2. Martha

Two things you are wearing right now

1. PJ bottoms
2. PJ shirt :)

Two of your favorite things to do

1. hang out with friends
2. scrapbook

Two things you want very badly at the moment

1. to sell our house
2. to be financially stable

Two favorite pets you have/had

1. Blue...sure miss her
2. Princess Leia

Two things you did last night

1. Watch Steel Magnolias for like the 100th time
2. Facebooked way too much...

Two things you have eaten today

1. Nothing yet....it's 4:30 in morning
2. Yep, still nothing...

Two people you last talked to

1. Bruce
2. Mandy

Two Places You have been in the past year

1. Kennesaw, GA
2. Indianapolis, IN

Two favorite beverages

1. McD's Sweet Tea
2. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi

People who are tagged:

If you read this...tag you are IT!!!!


Kimmarie Baker said...

haha I guess I am tagged now. Love ya! be back after work to do this.

Kimmarie Baker said...

Thanks Batman!


Krystin said...

What the heck were you doing up at 4am?!?! I can't even breathe yet at that time...lol