Apr 5, 2008

I'm Still Here.....Don't Lose Hope....Keep Visiting Often...

I know I have been so bad about keeping up with my blog lately. Sorry to all my friends who actually read it to get updates on our lives. I’m so bad about calling people back lately, or emailing. So if that is one of you my dear friends my deepest apologies to you.

I guess the main reason no new what nots is there isn’t much to tell. Life has been relatively boring lately. Which really is a blessing right?

Bruce is doing really well. I just talked to him today and he sounded in good spirits. He got good news that he is moving from the BN at the end of the month to Brigade to be the new Public Affairs Officer. Which will be great for him since that is his new MOS now. He is really excited to get the opportunity to do this. It is the job he had when he was in the Marine Corps and he loved it, so I’m really excited for him. It’s not often he sounds like he’s in a good mood when he calls so that was nice. The boys all got to chat for a few minutes with him and tell him about their report cards, that was good. Sometimes he can only get a chance to call while they are at school.

The boys and I went to PA last weekend to scrapbook with some of my friends from SBO. Special thanks to Kelli and her Mom for letting us invade their home. We had a great time. The weather was beautiful the whole time, so the kids could actually play outside, which was nice. It was a wee bit warmer there and no snow, as Adam kept pointing out.

The boys got their report cards this week. They all did really well. DJ got straight A’s again, first time in 5th grade. He’d always gotten straight A’s up until this year. He did well before, but it’s nice to see him working up to his full potential that I know he can do. Adam got all great checks where he was supposed to and is doing really well in his reading and his writing. He is very imaginative in his writing and loves to draw pictures with his stories. Future writer maybe? Then there is Jack, who also got great marks everywhere he is supposed to as well. He is actually a year ahead in his reading and his sight words. He knows a lot of Adam’s words from this year, will work with him over the summer probably. My favorite thing on Jack’s report card was in the comment section where Mrs. Oliver wrote, “Jack always walks in each morning with a smile, and always makes me laugh.” Is that our Jack or what?

I took the boys to the dentist this week and two of them walked out in the cavity free club and one did not. Even though when Jack walked out he proudly proclaimed “No Cavities” today Mommy!!! All the while the nurse behind him is shaking her head at me. It appears that he was confused when she told him he didn’t have to have anything done today with them. He has lost a few of his fillings that he’d received before. The hygienist said he is a handful isn’t he? I was like oh yeah. It’s so funny that everyone has that first impression of him. She had a hard time cleaning his teeth because he wouldn’t quit talking to her and asking a million questions. Yep that’s Jack alright. He gets that from Bruce obviously right?

It looks like we are going to be heading to Indiana next weekend to stay with my parents for a week while we are on spring break. Unfortunately it didn’t work out to go to TN to visit Patty and Co. Hopefully they will be able to come up and visit with us while I’m home.

Had fun scrapping with a few of my friends today, though I didn’t get anything done. It’s always nice to sit around and just chat and hang with good friends.

Well I guess that is about it for now. I hope to get some pics off my camera and loaded on here in a few days.


Major Mom said...

Don't go fallin in a sink hole now...I don't wanna have to call 911:)

{patty} said...

YEAH you blogged!!!! Even though we talk like every other day for some reason it's nice to read about your life. I miss you sooo much, lately alot more than usual!!! I hope we can get together soon!

Mommyluann said...

I think about you from time to time and wonder how Bruce is doing. Sadly , I don't get to talk much to Patty anymore it seems ..and we got to the same church! God Bless!

Leslie said...

Glad to see you've posted again, Marti! I was just telling my dad today (former Marine, Vietnam veteran) about you and Bruce and the ladies that scrapbook. LOL

I'm sorry you can't come visit us down here in TN. :( I was looking forward to visiting again and would have invited you over again if you would have come (after last year and Andrew got Wade's gun holder out - oh boy!).