Aug 28, 2008

Summer Colds...

They suck....that's all.

Aug 27, 2008

Give me a break...

Not 6 months ago the Clintons were telling the country how they couldn't trust Obama to run this country and how he was the wrong person for this job. And now they want everyone to believe that he is the one that is going to save our country from the last 8 years. Give me a flippin' break!!! Enough said!!!

Aug 24, 2008

Missing my husband...

I am really missing Bruce tonight. Doesn't help when someone sends me a link to the Soldier Wall, at I remember going and looking on here when our friend Jay was deployed last year. I was sad for his lovely wife Kristin and thier kids, but it is so different when it's you. I'm missing him tonight and this song that Mark Dakota wrote is so moving. We are on the count down now, and I know time is gonna fly these next few months. I just can't wait, I'm so ready for my husband to be home. Don't get me wrong I love technology and being able to talk on the phone and on email, but it just isn't the same as being face to face to talk. Pray for me please that I can make it these last few months and for strength for Bruce to finish up his tour over and come home safely to us!!!

I miss my best friend.

Kimmarie Tagged Me....

If you are tagged, you must first post the rules:
* Write 7 strange characteristics about yourself. They interest us all!
* Tag 6 other people at the end of your Post.
* Visit everyone that you have tagged and leave a comment on their blog to let them know that they have been tagged.

1) All three of my sons were delivered by C Section
2) I have a tattoo on my left ankle, that surprises most people
3) I don't know how to say "no" to people very often, but I'm working on it
4) I feel guilty a lot, about a lot of things, things I shouldn't feel guilty about
5) I can dance like there is no tomorrow and love it
6) I am way too nice sometimes, and people are shocked when I'm not, I have bad days too
7) I'm super shy until I get to know you and then you can't shut me up

So now I have to tag 6 people, who will the lucky ones be?

Kristin, Krystin, Jolene, Trisha, Beth, Nicole

Love ya girls!!!

End of Summer Survey

End of Summer Survey!
Remember everything you did this summer!

Did u go to the beach? We just got from a beach on a lake

Did u have a summer romance? On the phone and internet, does that count? :)

Did someone tell u they loved you? Everyday

What is your favorite summer moment? Hanging with family in friends the whole summer

Did something awesome and cool happen this summer? My boys and I all turned a Yr. older ?

What is the best movie you saw this summer? What Happens In Vegas, hilarious!!!

Did u read any books this summer? Not much reading this summer, a few Karen Kingsbury

Had any all nighters? I'm too old for all nighters...

Had any sleepovers? We were gone all summer so we sleptover a lot of places

went to any pool parties? yes, and itw as awesome

Went boy/girl watching? uh, NO

Make any new friends? No new friends, but grew closer to some other friends

Was this the summer before college for you? No

Did you watch Camp Rock on Disney Channel? No, but I did listen from the other room a few times...

Did you go anywhere besides the beach? Visted friends and family in VA, GA, and IN and just got back Camp of the Woods, great summer!!!

Did you see The Dark Knight? Nope, and don't plan on it either

Did you kiss someone this summer? Only my three little men to be...

Any hearts broken? DJs when he found out he didn't weigh enough to play football, broke his Mom's heart too

Do you wish you could change anything? I'd have Bruce home to enjoy it all with us

Are you ready for the school year? Oh yeah, definately, escpecially when the kids are fighting...

Do you think this summer was better then last years? No, because Bruce was home last year

In one word describe this summer? Traveling

OK, I'm tagging my blogging friends out there, if I have a link on my blog to yours you are tagged!!! :) Not naming names as you know who you are!!!

Aug 15, 2008

Going on vacation again....

I know, I know, I just got home. But we are off again for another adventure tomorrow. :) Tomorrow we are headed to Camp of the Woods.

It's a Christian camp with all sorts of fun things to do. Think Dirty Dancing except it's run by Christians and there is no Dirty Dancing. :) We have a room right on the lake and we get to go white water rafting, canoeing, hiking, zip line. It should be loads of fun, and great photo ops I'm sure. Just wanted to let everyone know where we were headed so you weren't wondering why I wasn't posting for awhile. :)

Especially about our Awesome American Athletes over in China right now who are kicking serious butt in the medals race. GO USA!!! :)

Was great seeing USA take Gold and Silver in the woman's all around last night, another night of staying up too late watching all that stuff!!! :)


I will see you all back in a week!!!

Later gaters!!!

Stay out of trouble while I'm away!!! and if you don't make sure you post about it on your blog so I can read all about it!!


Aug 13, 2008

We Live In Hope...

One sunny day in 2008, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Ave., where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama." The Marine replied, "Sir, Mr. Obama is not the President and doesn't reside here" The old man said, "Okay," and walked away. The following day the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama." The Marine replied, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Obama is not the President and doesn't reside here" The old man thanked him and walked away. The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President Obama" The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr.Obama. I've told you already several times that Mr. Obama is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't you understand?" The old man answered, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing your answer!" The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said see you tomorrow Sir."

This guy is amazing...

I can't even imagine being so young and yet accomplishing so much as Michael Phelps. This guy has done it again, winning gold medals number 10 and 11 yesterday. Makes your proud to be an American doesn't it?

I tried not to stay awake last night and watch the girls gymnastics. It was on so darn late. I DVRd it to watch this morning, but as soon as I started watching I couldn't stop. I cringed everytime one of the girls messed up and cheered everytime they stuck a landing or did a cool move. Which to me is pretty much everything they do. How they jump on that balance beam w/o falling off, most of the time, is amazing. I know they went there for gold, they all did, but silver isn't so bad!!! So kudos to all those young ladies who did a great job!!!

Aug 12, 2008

A Fun Layout

Here is a layout my friend Patti did for me. I gave her this pic of Jack from down in GA to scrap. I knew she would do it justice. We were all playing poker and he had my sunglasses on like he was a player. He is such a nut and Patti did such a great job with it. I just had to share it with ya'll~!!! Thanks Patti!!!

The Olympics

So we have been watching the Olympics every night staying up way too late. I hate that all the sports we want to watch aren't on until 10 or later. I guess I should start DVRing it all so I can watch it the next day. I'm so tired the next day that I've been falling asleep and taking naps.

Two nights ago we stayed up and watched the American win the relay race and I was screaming so loud I woke up Jack who had fallen asleep. I was so excited to see them win and see how excited the four of them were. I loved the looks on all of thier faces and how proud they were. Then when they do the medal ceremony and hearing our national anthem, it always chokes me up. I'm so proud to be an American and I'm so proud of these athletes that are over there, I feel like I'm there when I hear that song. And my heart just flows with joy and pride for each of these young men and women representing our country.

So last night we were watching the men's gymnastics, well Adam and I were anyways. Adam asked me who I was rooting for. He thought maybe I was rooting for the Chinese since they were so impressive. I told him of course not we are rooting for our own country Adam. So we had to have this whole discussion about pride for your country and patriotism which I'm not really sure my 7 year old understood. Everytime one of the guys messed up on one of the aparatus' I just cringed and felt so bad for them. I feel like it's me out there and my heart just goes out to them. I was so excited when they were leading, then got so nervous as they started slipping. But they never gave up and the kept going and going up the very last routine and they still medaled. The underdogs that they didn't think would medal at all and the earned the bronze. So kudos to the men's gymnastics team!!!

Then of course there is the much talked about Michael Phelps. I kind of felt sorry for the "Fab Four" from the relay race, as all the buzz was about Phelps. He tied the record last night with the most gold medals of any olympian, very cool. We will definately be watching him go for the record of 10 and 11 tonight.

So just a proud American here posting about her fellow Americans who are doing our country proud!!!

Aug 8, 2008

OK OK I owe you an update!!!

So, I've been getting in trouble left and right for not posting an update to my blog. :) So here goes. Life isn't really all that exciting though. So I'm giving your fare warning, you may want to stop reading now. :)

The boys and I headed out of Indy Tuesday morning and drove the entire day until we got to New York around 7 pm. The thought of stopping at a hotel and getting out and getting the boys out and the dog, don't forget the dog, was overwhelming. So we trucked through and made it in one day. It wasn't all that bad. The first three hours were not much fun. It was pouring down rain so bad that I considered turning around about 30 minutes into my trip to go back to Mom and Dad's. I'm sure my knuckles were white for the three hours we drove in that mess. It was really bad, the worse I've driven in ever I think. It was barely visible in front of us. But at last it lightened up and the sun started to shine for us. It still rained off and on all the way, but nothing like the beginning of the trip.

We haven't done anything exciting since we got home though. We've pretty much layed around and been rather lazy, in fact our clothes are still packed in our suitcases. but that is ok, because they are clean as I washed them all before we left Indy. I actually left the house today to get groceries for the boys, they were dying for some milk, poor guys. :)

We are actually having some friends come in tomorrow to visit that we haven't seen in a little while. So that should be fun, she is bringing her little boy to spend the night so he can hang out with my boys. So we have been trying to clean today so the house isn't a total disaster when they visit.

I'm hoping to scrap this weekend although my room is a mess. I just sort of dumped everything when we got home from Indiana. I need to unpack as I got all sorts of new goodies from shopping and our annual crop that my Secret Sistah totally spoiled me with. Thanks Kelli!!! I'm still trying to flatten those papers you gave me. I will try and see if I can post a pic. :)

Marti swap

We had a lot of fun visiting family and friends this summer. So thanks to everyone who let us stay at their homes for numerous days and put up with all of us, including Blue!!! :) (Special thanks to Chuck for that) :) I have all my other pics on discs and those are still packed up so I will have to post more pics from our summer late on.

So that is what we have been up to since we got home. Boring huh? Can't say I didn't warn you!!!