Aug 27, 2008

Give me a break...

Not 6 months ago the Clintons were telling the country how they couldn't trust Obama to run this country and how he was the wrong person for this job. And now they want everyone to believe that he is the one that is going to save our country from the last 8 years. Give me a flippin' break!!! Enough said!!!


{patty} said...


obama-lama-ding-dong and his freakishly looking wife are
totally freaking me out.
They are putting on the blame on Bush when they should be acknowleding what a sinful country this is turning out to be. Sin is what is bringing America down and honestly it doesn't matter who makes it to the White House if this country does not turn back to God.
If they were to be voted in, I would have to obey the Word and respect the leader of our country.

{patty} said...


It is comforting knowing that the future is already written out and we know who is REALLY in charge....

armywife said...

And Bill Clinton is just the awesomest endorser ever. Who was on his arm as an escort? His wife or a college intern?

Kimmarie Baker said...

Do you really believe that our votes count? Only big-wigs have the real vote. I feel there is no real choice again. Patty your first post cracks me up and Kristin - love it! I never talk politics because I feel they waste way too much money trying to score votes when there is so many homeless people and hungry people in the US.