Jul 29, 2008

Greetings from Indiana

Yes, we are still in Indiana. Can you believe it? No one has killed each other yet, and I don't think we are getting on each other's nerves, too much anyways. :)

We've been having a lot of fun just hanging out. Mom and I have been doing a bit of shopping and scrapbooking. While the boys are either playing outside, playing the Wii or just having a ball with thier cousins. DJ has spent the last 2 nights there actually. Tonight we are spending the night with Aunt Nicole and going to see the free movie tomorrow morning. Will probably pick up the girls to hang out with us.

Since my last post Mom and I took an adventure along with her long time friend Cathy. We drove down to a B&B in Kentucky for a scrapbooking weekend with some of our SBO Sistahs!!! We had so much fun visiting with everyone and getting great new ideas to scrap with. Thanks to Celeste, we all made a bunch of cards to send to Bruce to pass out to his guys to use while they are over there. I think there ended up being about 40 cards or so. I also managed to get a few layouts done too, I need to take pics so I can post them in my gallery at SBO. It's always a good time when we get together. I'm sure we get a lot more giggling and laughing done than actually scrapbooking, but hey it's totally worth it.

While we were away Dad and Dan took care of the boys for me. So sweet of them. Dan actually took Adam and DJ out to the girls house to take care of thier horses while they were away for the weekend. Adam loved getting up early and helping Dan get the horses out and take care of cleaning up the stalls and feeding them. He can't quit talking about it actually. DJ got to do the not so fun job of cleaning up after the horses, he hasn't said too much about it since. :) Jack had a great time with Dad it seems. He loved having papaw all to himself. They ate out all weekend, and went to play Putt Putt and went to church together, where Jack as always, made quite an impression. As he does everywhere he goes. :) After church they drove out to the cemetary so they could visit Uncle Jack's grave, which little Jack had requested to do. Dad said he was a bit emotional, but they prayed over his grave and then went on to visit other family members, like my grandmother who passed away before I was born.

All in all it was a great weekend had by all!!!

Since getting home from there we've just been staying close to home, other than our shopping trips, and our visits to Mexico for margarita night of course. :) This past weekend we did go to my Mom's family reunion. I know she had a great time visiting her aunts and cousins, but the more we go it seems the less people we know. Mom made the comment if all of us hadn't gone, which was 10 there wouldn't have been too many people there this year. It gets smaller and smaller that's for sure. It was nice seeing the aunts and uncles I do know, and got to visit with. We did miss seeing our cousins Little John and Jess though!!! Maybe next time!!! :)

Last night we went to Mexico for the Mariachi band, I took Adam and Jack and they really enjoyed it. It was a bit loud though, so funny. Jack asked if they knew any Elvis songs, sadly they did not.

I haven't downloaded my photos the past few weeks, but I will and then I will post some photos from the summer.

Take care and I will see all my NYer friends soon!!!


Kimmarie Baker said...

aaawwww, what a great update! Sounds like you and the boys are having fun visiting with everyone. BTW I mailed a package to you about a month ago before I knew you were away - Kelli informed me not to worry. LOL Elvis is my mom's favorite for Life! Miss you and hope to get together in the fall.

Leslie said...

Hey Marti! I meant to tell you that the email site I use for blogs is www.feedblitz.com. Try it. I think it will work for Bruce. :)

Leslie said...

Hey Marti! I meant to tell you that the email site I use for blogs is www.feedblitz.com. Try it. I think it will work for Bruce. :)

Major Mom said...

When are you gonna be home? Are you doing VBS?

armywife said...

ok so I like the new background and picture of the hot husband but like where is the update, LOL????