Dec 2, 2007

30 isn't OLD, not that Old anyways...

This is what I keep telling my good friend Marie. We had a little party for her last Monday for her 30th birthday. We had a good time, for the most part. I was in charge of food, so I told her I'd make my chicken enchiladas. Which I did, and then on the way to the car I promptly dropped on my kitchen floor. Not one pan but two, it was not my day!!! So with a quick stop to the local Mexican restaurant we had a little party at the community center on post. Here are a few pics from the evening.



Anonymous said...

Wonderful Pics Marti! And you are right 30 isn't that old, I'll be 39 in 3 weeks. That is a very scarry thought!!

Major Mom said...

Love the pictures of the granola bars. I wonder who was witty enough to think of it...