Sep 10, 2008

Busy Time of Year...

It's that time again. With school starting up and all of the boys' different activities getting back into full swing again. We have most our week nights full of sports, piano lessons and scouting. With soon to come gymnastics and hopefully art classes. I promised DJ he could sign up for soccer since football fell through this year, those practices start next weeek, with games on the following 6 or 8 Saturdays I think. When I signed him up, Jack wanted to play too so now we have 2 games on Saturday and 2 practices, of course different nights. DJ is scouting on Monday, Jack's is on Tuesdays, which I'm the leader of this year. Go Tiger Cubs!!! Can you see me as a Cub Scout leader? Should be loads of fun I tell you!!! Then on Wed DJ and Jack both have piano lessons. Adam will hopefully be starting gymnastics soon, I have to talk to the teacher about a good time, she only had one time slot on Sat. in the middle of the day, and that just didn't work for us. Also, I was excited to find out she is also going to offer art classes. Which will be awesome, Adam's been wanting them forever. We just haven't been able to find anyplace that offered them. So I'm hoping that works out for him and then I am done!!! that will surely fill my entire week with activities. That does't even include my two bible studies I'm doing during the day while the boys are at school!!! Yes it's getting to a busy time again.
Which will make time fly and Bruce will be home before we know it!!!

Have a great day my blog reading friends~~~


armywife said...

Who wants to go to the movies this weekend? It's all set!!

{patty} said...

Great update!! Sounds like things are busy busy busy, just the way you like it, I know. LOL

I updated my blog too, thanks to Kristin sending me a boot in the hiney! :)