Jan 21, 2008

Sorry I've been MIA...

We have been enjoying our time with Bruce and haven't been online much since he's been here. Today is our last day though, we take him to the airport tomorrow morning!!! We can't believe how the time flew by. I was almost in tears last night as we were watching the playoff games and I looked over and Jack had fallen asleep in Bruce's lap, and Bruce was just rubbing his head, kind of looking far off. I always kind of think of how this deployment is effecting me and the boys, and not so much Bruce. It's really selfish. We at least have each other to lean on for comfort, he has no one really. I could tell he was thinking it's gonna be a long time til I get to do this again. It doesn't help Jack not leaving his side, and reminding Daddy how many days he has left. "I want to snuggle with you Daddy, you only have 2 days left." So sad, but so true!!!

So I'm sure I will be back in a few days, with my normally bubbly attitude. And to post pics of some of the fun stuff we did while Bruce was home. If everyone could please remember him in your prayers while he is traveling the next two days that would be great!!! Thanks everyone!!!! "see ya" in a few days!!!


Major Mom said...

Oh Marti, yuck. It is hard and tough but God is good and will restore 7 fold what was lost. I will be saying a prayer for your comfort today. ANd just think, you are going on your *cruise* in a couple of weeks, while the rest of us schmucks are stuck in the snow.

armywife said...

We will keep him in our prayers while he travelling and until you are back in his arms again!

Please let us know if you and the boys need ANYTHING!!!!!

Love you!

Krystin said...

I am so glad that you wer able to spend some time all together again...what a great blessing to hve had him home.
We will keep him in our prayers.

Leslie said...

Still praying for him, Marti! Hope you all enjoyed the cruise! :)