Jan 7, 2008

Year in Review 2007

I copied this from my friend Patty's Blog, so much fun!!! Though her year is much more interesting, I thought it would be fun to do, so what the hey!!!

Jauary 2007

Bruce turned 36

February 2007

The Colts won the Superbowl!!! (do I hear a repeat?) I HOPE SO!!!
Went to visit family in Indiana for Winter Break

March 2007

Bruce was in LA doing some training for his upcoming deployment

April 2007

Bruce came home from LA!!! YEah!!!
Enjoyed a visit from Mom and Dad during Spring Break
Horrible Winter Storm, that Mom and Dad were lucky enough to be here for
which is why they will never come back in April again!!!

May 2007

Enjoyed a road trip with Rachel down to KY for the SBO
Sistah Crop!!! I loved seeing Mom, Nicole, Beth, Kristy
Jolene, and Patty!!! Good times!!!

June 2007

Went and visited Bruce's family in Maine for a family reunion
Celebrated Adam's 6th Birthday there
It's absolutely beautiful there
DJ finished up 4th Grade
Adam finished up Kindergarten
Jack finished Pre-K and can't wait to go to big school in the fall

July 2007

I turned 35 (where did the time fly)
Our baby turned 5
Visited with the Bartlett's for a bit in TN, went to a waterpark with
them loads of fun, and had awesome Chinese food, thank you Mom Ketron!!!
Then on to GA to spend a few days with Jon and Lori, celebrating my niece,
Stephanie's graduation from HS!!! So proud of her!!!

August 2007

DJ turned 10, seriously where did the time go?
Got the boys ready for school and began the countdown for deployment
Went on a few day outings with Bruce and the boys, such great memories!!!

September 2007

Busy month for all of us!!!

We started the month off by saying goodbye to Bruce for 15 months, we sure
miss him but we are so proud of him!!! Love you babe!!!

The very next day, all my boys started back to school, DJ into 5th, Adam 1st,
and little Jack Kindergarten

FREEDOM for Mommy!!! :)

Then the next PWOC started back up, life saver, and I am the VP of Programs, it's
been a lot of fun preparing the programs for this amazing group of women I'm so
blessed to call my Sisters In Christ as well as my friends!!!

October 2007

Enjoyed a visit from my Dad for a few weeks
He helped me with a lot of projects around the house
Including totally revamping our garage with shelves and
organization (Bruce loves it by the way)
Thanks for all your help Dad
Enjoyed Halloween with my little Ninja Turtle, Scary Pirate, and Dark Spiderman!!!

November 2007

Dad stayed through the beginning of November to help take care of the boys while
I went away for 4 days with my PWOC sisters to Fall Focus in PA. It was so much fun, and a great time of fellowship and worshipping our Lord!!!
Went to West Point and spent Thanksgiving with the Fenske's, so much fun. DJ had fun playing on the field where the West Point Knights play!!! Learned a new game called Settlers of Catan also, that was loads of fun. Thanks for the hospitality!!!

December 2007

Enjoyed several Christmas parties at the beginning of the month
Went to Indiana for Christmas to celebrate with my whole family
Had a surprise party for Mom and Dad's 40th Anniversary!!!
And rung in the New Year with family and good friends!!!

It's been a crazy year for us!!! Started out sort of slow, but by summer we were going 120mph it seemed and it hasn't slowed down yet!!! but hey, when you are wanting time to fly, that's a good thing.

I pray each and everyone of you have an amazing 2008!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Looks like a great year for you too, Marti! Okay, I'm gonna start on this. ;)