Oct 26, 2007

Another sleepless night...

It's one of those nights again. They seem to keep happening more and more often lately. I'm wide awake. Frustrating really!!! Though I've gotte a few more loads of laundry done, so that's not so bad I guess.

My Dad got into town yesterday. He flew in to help with a few things around the house. He is also going to be watching my boys for me next weekend while I head off to PA with some girlfriends from PWOC for our annual conference. I'm so excited, I can't wait to go. I know the boys will have fun with Papaw, I just hope Papaw survives. Please pray for him. :)

Dad and I have been very productive so far. He is going to help build lots of shelves all over the place, help me redo my bathroom, and help get my basement into shape. And let me tell you that is no easy task. It's a disaster down there. I was actually just down there working on things for a little bit. It's amazing how much junk we have. I've got a whole corner dedicated to trash, sad really. I've still got lots to do tomorrow, but I wanted to take a break.

We also went to Lowes tonight and ordered a new vanity, toilet and looked at some new flooring. I'm wanting to put a dual sink in my bathroom. Since it's the only bathroom we have it will be nice, especially when the boys are in there arguing over who's turn it is to brush thier teeth. Driving mommy crazy.

Tomorrow I've got people coming to measure the two bedrooms upstairs for carpet, I'm hoping they can get it in next week while Dad is still here, but we shall see. I'm also going to ask if they can put new flooring in my bathroom too, before I get all the other stuff put in. It's going to look so nice when everything is done.

My good friends Leslie and Marie came over Wednesday night and helped me clear out those rooms and rip up the carpet so they wouldn't charge me to do it. Save some dough where I can. They played clean sweep while we were at it too, so I've got all kinds of trash bags out for the garbabe men in the morning, along with all that carpert. They are going to hate me I'm sure!!! I feel like I should buy them donuts and coffee or something.

I'm super excited about tomorrow night. I'm having some friends over for a little jam session. My friend Susan is bringing over her guitars and banjo so her and Dad can play, and then a few others are coming over too. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Nothing better than some food, fun and friends, except maybe food, fun, friends and some good music.

I will try and get some pics to post tomorrow of everyone jamming out!!

Night all!!!

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