Oct 18, 2007

I got a card....

It's like Bruce knew I was having a bad week, even though we haven't talked. His email is down at work, so no contact there either. Boy is he gonna get an ear full when the net comes back up over there though. :) wonder if I can delete an email already sent? I'm guessing no huh? :) Anyways, I was getting very annoyed that I hadn't had any contact, and just feeling bad, and then I get a card in the mail today from him. Such a sweet card too. One that reminds me of why we are together and that we are truly meant for each other. It's all part of God's plan, me being all the way in New York, a place I'd never have chosen for myself to live. Thank you to my husband for knowing exactly when I needed a word of encouragement and love. I really love that man!!! And thank you God for bringing him into my life. :)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Bruce to the rescue! Glad you heard from your guy...