Oct 4, 2007

Spiritual Warfare

It seems like everytime you start doing well, Satan jumps in and messes everything up. No worries friends, I'm doing just fine. It seems many of my friends are being attacked by Satan lately. Most of it is going on within my PWOC group. Satan does not like that we are all praising our Lord and he is trying to take these ladies down. We had several ladies today that are just broken and Satan is just taking this oppurtunity to get in there and take full advantage of thier weakness. Another person thinks there is evil in her home and keeps hearing things even though no one is there. I just ask that you would pray for the entire body of PWOC at Ft Drum. Each one of these ladies need prayed over and lifted up to the Lord. We had an awesome devotion time today about this very thing and it is everywhere right now. Please just pray for us!!!


Major Mom said...

I love you Marti. You are an amazing woman.

Barb said...

We are praying for all of you. I know in my heart that you will do fine and the Lord will lead you where you should be.

kelli said...

Keep satan at bay girl! you are so much stronger then him!

Julie Ann Shahin said...

I read this a few days ago and have been sending you good vibes and prayers since. Did you get them? :)

Also I tagged you at my blog at http://jshahin.blogspot.com so you better check it out!