Oct 16, 2007

Feeling overwhelmed...

I can just feel the stress building up right now. It doesn't ever seem to go away. It's always something. There is always something going on around me that doesn't directly involve me, but somehow indirectly I get involved. Sometimes I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I'm so sick of it. I want to bury myself in a hole somewhere and just not come out. I don't want to answer my phone or my door, I just want to stay home and do nothing. Do you all ever get that way? Is it just me? I'm normally a pretty upbeat person but lately I'm just aaahh!!! All over the place. One minute I'm completely fine and the next I'm in a bad mood for no apparant reason. It's one of those nights again, the ones where I can't sleep. They are happening more frequently. The doctor gave me something to help me sleep, but wants me to try it out on a night I don't have to get up too early the next day and be somewhere. Yeah well that is never. So I hate to try it just in case the boys wake up and need me. Especially with them all passing this stomach bug around. I wish I was one of those stress cleaners. You know, we all have a friend like that. They clean to help relieve stress, I so wish that was me. I'm trying so hard to get this place just how I want it before Dad comes to visit, and something inevitably comes up. I'm thinking of staying in the house for the next week and not coming out. But that wouldn't work, I have a few commitments I can't miss. Such is my life. I guess I should probably go clean, and make use out of my insomnia.

You know if I just heard from my husband once and awhile that would probably help you know? His email doesn't work very well I guess, and his phone calls are few and far between. I can just feel it that he is having a hard time over there, maybe that is why he doesn't call. I'm just being sensitive and emotional I guess. Nevermind I'm just being silly. I just really miss him...

1 comment:

Mommyluann said...

I have days I feel like that too...too much on my plate and overwhelmed. I can only imagine how hard it is to be "mommy and daddy" while your husband is away.
I don't know much but I do know that "Faithful is he who calls you who also will do it". The Lord will give you strength for the journey and I pray that along the way that journey while your husband is gone won't all seem like and uphill battle. I am amazed at all you do and I don't even know you personally! I've added you to my prayer list and when I am feeling overwhelmed I've asked the Lord to bring you to mind so that I will also say a prayer for you. Have a great day!