Nov 14, 2007

Update on Bruce....

So Bruce is doing well. He is really looking forward to his change of command which is scheduled for 16 December. I talked to him this morning and he sounds great. He said only 30 days left so I know is ready to move onto the next thing. He also got some great news that he will be switching his MOS. Which for you civilians is basically what his job description is. He is going to be going back to Public Affairs, which is what he did in the Marines. Anyone who knows my darling husband knows that this is the job for him. The man is a talker and loves the Army, so what better place for him than doing that. This also is good news for his family. When he picks up Major next year or the year after instead of moving to Kansas for a year of Major's course, it is only 4 months at Ft Meade, which is a lot closer to Ft Drum than Kansas. The family would probably stay here in our house until he gets done with the possibility of a return assignment to Drum, or possibly our dream of getting back to Campbell depending on what is open at the time. I'm just so happy for him because I can hear how excited he is in his voice when I talk to him. There is nothing worse than talking to him and he sounds exhausted and just really down all the time. Today he sounded happy and upbeat and was even joking around with some of his soldiers in the background. I just thank the Lord he sounded so great. I worry about him a lot less when I know he is in a good frame of mind. So please just continue to pray for him and lift him up, that the Lord would just continue to give him encouragement and safety all of his days there. Thank you all, we love you!!!

1 comment:

Major Mom said...

How can you go to Ft Meade for 4 months for ILE? We have to go to Kansas in June of 09 for a year so Mike can go...Let me know. I would rather stay put here while he goes TDY and does his school and then stay here or go back to Ft Campbell too....We are like on the same life plan;)