Sep 6, 2007

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL????

We are so ready for some football in this house. Or at least DJ is ready. I'm always anxious to see how the Colts are doing. As far as the rest of the teams go, I could care less. I like to keep an eye on the Patriots just to make sure the Colts are doing better. :) Bruce is a Pats fan through and through, and somehow he has our oldest son brainwashed into thinking they are the best team. So I have a few months to get him thinking right, or at least try. So as we were watching all the pregame stuff this evening, DJ started naming off all these guys like I was supposed to know who they were. He was like so and so is going to be the best defensive tackle, and this guy is the backup QB for this team, but I really think this guy is better. It just blows my mind how much information he retains. It's like he hears something once and always remembers it. He is really into football this year and wanted to play so much, until the poor kid fell the beginning of August and broke his collar bone. He was so bummed when the doctor told him he couldn't play football this year. He goes to the doctor on Wednesday, and he is convinced the doctor is going to tell him he can take the sling off and play football right away. So we will see!!! :)

Here is a layout I did of how DJ and our friends son Chase are on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to football. I knew I loved that kid!!!

1 comment:

Jon Uhler said...

Not sure how I missed this post but....


DIE PATS!!! Bunch of cheaters...

Love ya, Jon