Sep 3, 2007

The last time....

Our lives are filled with "last times" right now. My friend Angie kept telling me this was coming, and it felt like forever away. But here it is. Our last weekened together, our last going out to a movie, our last going to church as a family, our last time just hanging out around the house. I know it's not "THE LAST TIME" in reality. It's just the last time for awhile....15 months to be exact. Unless we count his 2 1/2 weeks of R & R. The date we will be looking forward to for months, a date we won't know for quite awhile yet. I loved it at church yesterday, they brought up all the soldiers that were deploying soon to the front of the church and prayed over each of them. It was very emotional seeing all of the people up there, some of them look so young. Some of them are my friend's husbands and my heart aches for them. But we will have each other and that is what this Army family is all about.

I remember watching Bruce pack up his stuff last time and wondering " I wonder what he is thinking, I wonder if he is scared, I wonder...." I just kept thinking what if that was me getting ready to leave my family for 6 months to go into war. And yet he looked so calm, and confident. He was a rock and kept me calm. He'd been trained to do this, and now he was ready to go. He's always been a soldier throuh and through. He loves his job and he does it well. We are so proud of him and will anxiously be awaiting his return.

It's so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that Bruce will be gone for so long. I know it's hard on the boys. I know that DJ gets it, how long it will be. But I'm not so sure about Adam and Jack. Sure they know that Daddy is leaving for a long time, but I'm not sure they truly understand how long. We've done the short TDY trips before, and really those are nothing. By the time you get to really really missing them, they are home. This is Bruce's 2nd deployment to Iraq, but the first time was only 6 months. I remember thinking how am I going to survive 6 months with three little boys 6 and under? I look back at that now and think wow I did it. I may not have done it with the most grace or anything, but we all survived, we were healthy and not too strung out. :) I learned a lot from the last deployment. I learned a lot about myself, and I'm sure I will learn even more the next 15 months. And besides the boys are all 3 years older this go around so life will be much easier, and they all start school on Wednesday.


kelli said...

MArti I just want to say that you are one strong woman. Keep that chin up girl. We love you and if you need anything don't hasitate (sp?) to call or email me. I am only 6hours away you know, not that far.

Nicole said...

Marti...May God be with you all. Truly thinking and praying for your family. I just love your positive, strong attitude. Keep it up girl. ((HUGS))

{patty} said...

I just love you guys soooo much!!! Bruce is such a great soldier and I am sooo proud to call him my friend. You are such an amazing wife and mother and I am proud to call you my best friend!! I know in the coming months there will be some long phone calls that we are famous for. Girl, you know I am here for you for anything. Our love to you, Bruce and the boys! Our prayers are with you .........

Hi my name is Marjorie said...

Marti...this breaks my heart. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Tell Bruce we appreciate all that he's doing for us...(((Hugs)))

Krystin said...

Oh, truly are such a strong and Kristin both (the only army wives I know)...
I pray that God will be with you in this time and pray for Bruce's safety. I think of your husband's (and all the sons/fathers/brothers/uncles in Iraq) all the time.
Please do thank him for all he does.

Corey W. said...

Marti - so sorry Bruce has to go for so long...thank him for all of us. You are a strong woman, not sure if I could handle the life you I'm proud of you...we're here if you need us.

Crafty Girl Studio said...

Marti, I am thinking about you right now. I will hold you and Bruce in my thoughts. Safe travels Bruce.

Aunt Bee said...

Just checking the site right now. Will write more later


Aunt Bee

Dan said...

Just checking to see if I did this right. Tell the boys I said Hi

Uncle Dan

Barb said...

Mom and I are leaving for church now. We will put Bruce on the prayer list this morning. Give the boys a hug and kiss from both of us. See ya next month.
Love and kisses