Sep 22, 2007

That's What Friends Are For.....

I started this day out not feeling so great about myself, and really feeling sorry for myself and my whole situation. I just started this great new bible study called Becoming a Vessel God Can Use by Donna Partow. It sounded great when my teacher was telling all about it, and she totally had me psyched to do it. Then I started it, and today really hit me, and I felt horrible about myself. I know it is truly the Holy Spirit working in me and convicting me of many things in my life. I jokingly told my friends today, that I could hear God talking, I just didn't like what He was saying. I was really honest with myself today, and I didn't like what I saw. I need to have less self and more God. It sounds so easy right? Seems like an easy lesson to learn. Easier said than done I think. But at least I know it's a problem, and I'm going to be taking care of it!!! I was really feeling down this morning and in a fit of tears, and I get a call from one of the ladies from the FRG and she is sharing more news that was upsetting me (Bruce is fine no worries)and I had just had enough. I wasn't going to leave my house today, I wasn't in any mood to be around people. I'm not gonna lie, I was straight up foul. But of course my friends wouldn't take no for answer. So I went anyways, because honestly it's way easier than arguing with them, and truthfully they scare me a little bit. :) But of course once I got around my girlfriends, they had me in a fit of laughter and tears running down my face. There is nothing greater than hanging out with some girlfriends and playing games and just laughing together!!! Thank you ladies for cheering me up today, you know I needed it!!! I love you for it!!!


Mommyluann said...

You must have some wonderful friends...a true gift from the Lord, isn't it?

Nikki said...

Marti, I have no doubt that posts such as these are being written about your sweet acts of friendship as well. hugs!

Leslie said...

I started a Bible study recently on being a "helpmeet". I thought I was the wife I should be and we have a great marriage but it has really helped me to make our marriage even better and to be a BETTER wife. ;) I was denying some of the things in the book at first but the author is taking verses directly from the Bible. I was convicted, let me tell ya! I'm glad the Holy Spirit is working in your life to make you a better Christian. We all need that. And thank the Lord for your friends too! :)

{patty} said...

So glad that you have some wonderful friends up there! That was the one thing I remember your mom and I specifically praying for!! Let them bless you!!!